Skylights With Laureyn Furtney – Holiday Rerun

THRHM 82 Laureyn Furtney | Skylight

Home renovation is a tedious process, and knowing which developments would significantly enhance your quality of life is a game-changer. Whether it’s to conserve energy or simply lighten up a space, skylights are one of the most talked-about renovation upgrades in the industry. In this episode, Katharine MacPhail has Laureyn Furtney, co-owner of Synergy Skylights, with her […]

How To Find, Buy And Restore Your First Historic Home With Hugh Siler

THRHM 79 Hugh Siler | Historic Home

Historic homes can seem like a bother to maintain, but make no mistake: many of these properties are often still sound investments that just need a little TLC. So strap yourself in as we take a look at preserving and restoring a historic home for a new household. In this episode, Katharine MacPhail sits down […]