Skylights With Laureyn Furtney – Holiday Rerun

THRHM 82 Laureyn Furtney | Skylight

Home renovation is a tedious process, and knowing which developments would significantly enhance your quality of life is a game-changer. Whether it’s to conserve energy or simply lighten up a space, skylights are one of the most talked-about renovation upgrades in the industry. In this episode, Katharine MacPhail has Laureyn Furtney, co-owner of Synergy Skylights, with her […]

Episode 79 – How to find, buy and restore your first historic home

THRHM 79 Hugh Siler | Historic Home

Hugh Siler and I met through Instagram. He is a developer with great respect for old homes, and we discussed what he did to get into the business of historic home restoration. Read our conversation here, or scroll on for some interesting facts about Hugh and photos of the properties he’s been involved with:· Got […]

How To Find, Buy And Restore Your First Historic Home With Hugh Siler

THRHM 79 Hugh Siler | Historic Home

Historic homes can seem like a bother to maintain, but make no mistake: many of these properties are often still sound investments that just need a little TLC. So strap yourself in as we take a look at preserving and restoring a historic home for a new household. In this episode, Katharine MacPhail sits down […]