Episode 40 – Countertops

In this week’s episode I talk to countertop expert and stone enthusiast Lili Morris. She’s been in the cabinet and countertop industry for about 4 years Tennessee (We met on Instagram, where she is @house_on_everett_hill). We talked about various kinds of stone countertops, both naturally formed and man-made. We did get a bit into laminate […]
Episode 39 – Home Inspectors

In this episode I talked to locally famous home inspector James Brock from Boston Home Inspectors. Jim has been a home inspector for 25 years, and lately he has become a little bit internet famous. He claims he’s not, but his Instagram account @bostonhomeinspectors currently has 15.2k followers (it’s been growing fast), and I actually […]
Episode 38 – Mid-Century Ranch Renovations

The mid-century ranch episode with Wisconsin architect Della Hansmann dives deep into a topic that I personally don’t give much thought to – the ranch house. Mid-century ranches were a popular housing style between about 1945 and 1965. They’re single story houses, and on the outside they have a very elongated form, asymmetrical with a […]
Episode 34 – Home Networks and Cyber Security

Home Networks and Cybersecurity Hello and welcome to Talking Home Renovations with The House Maven, I’m your host, Katharine MacPhail. I’m an architect practicing in Eastern Massachusetts. I specialize in additions and renovations to existing homes, and this podcast is meant for homeowners who are getting ready to undergo a home renovation and would like […]
Episode 33 – High Performance Renovations

In this week’s episode, Anthony and Abbey Maschmedt of Dwell Development in Seattle join me to discuss sustainable construction and high performance renovations. Dwell Development is an award-winning sustainable residential builder, and they strive to create the most energy efficient homes in the world. They believe that sustainable efficient design can create a better tomorrow. […]
Episode 32 – Modernist Houses

This podcast is intended resource for homeowners hoping to learn as much as they can about home renovations before starting their own. In this episode I have a very enjoyable conversation about modernist houses with George Smart, the founder and executive director of USModernist and NCModernist, non-profit organizations dedicated to the documentation, preservation and promotion of modernist design. He […]
Episode 31 – Architect vs. Interior Designer

The title of this episode makes it seem that an interior designer and I have some kind of design showdown, but unfortunately it isn’t that exciting. I had Amy Everard on the show to help me understand where her job begins and mine ends. I had listened to a few of her podcast episodes and […]