Episode 93 – Pretty Good House- the Movement and the Book

Mike Maines joined me to talk about the Pretty Good House movement and the new book they’ve got coming out in May. A Pretty Good House is somewhere between code minimum and a super high performance house.
Episode 74 – Renovation Story – Transitions

This episode is a renovation story, told by Teresa Younkin. She describes four major renovations she has been through and what they taught her about life. About our guest: Teresa Younkin is a Leadership Coach, Consultant, and Expert specializing in helping healthcare leaders and teams bring their multi-level health IT initiatives to fruition and deliver […]
Episode 69 – Promoting Health and Mental Health through Design

Architect Isra Banks joined me this week to discuss the impact that our homes can have on our mental and physical health, and how we can promote physical and mental health through design. Are you optimizing your personal environment? ARDEMASDuring the introduction of this episode I mentioned that Isra and I are working with Jay […]
Episode 67 – Choosing Paint Colors

In this episode, I meet with Cindy Gelormini to talk about choosing paint colors for your home. Cindy is a color consultant and paint expert. Katharine MacPhail 00:08Hello, and welcome to Talking Home Renovations with the House Maven. I am your host Katharine MacPhail. I’m an architect, and I practice in eastern Massachusetts mostly on […]
Episode 67 – Choosing Paint Colors

One of the final details of a home renovation is choosing paint colors for the walls. This episode features a paint specialist who really knows paint options. When I really start thinking about color beyond choosing paint colors, it is too much for my brain. As you all know, I’m just an architect and not […]
Episode 49 – Maximize Creativity

KM: Selfishly, I’m hoping you can give me some pointers on how I can make my office more- Is it more conducive to my creativity or making me more creative, or how would you characterize your specialty in that way? DR: We are in possession of a lot of knowledge about how our physical environment, […]
Episode 33 – High Performance Renovations

In this week’s episode, Anthony and Abbey Maschmedt of Dwell Development in Seattle join me to discuss sustainable construction and high performance renovations. Dwell Development is an award-winning sustainable residential builder, and they strive to create the most energy efficient homes in the world. They believe that sustainable efficient design can create a better tomorrow. […]
Episode 32 – Modernist Houses

This podcast is intended resource for homeowners hoping to learn as much as they can about home renovations before starting their own. In this episode I have a very enjoyable conversation about modernist houses with George Smart, the founder and executive director of USModernist and NCModernist, non-profit organizations dedicated to the documentation, preservation and promotion of modernist design. He […]
Episode 31 – Architect vs. Interior Designer

The title of this episode makes it seem that an interior designer and I have some kind of design showdown, but unfortunately it isn’t that exciting. I had Amy Everard on the show to help me understand where her job begins and mine ends. I had listened to a few of her podcast episodes and […]