Cover graphic for Talking Home Renovations episode 33, "High Performance Renovations". The background photo is a remodeled historic home.

In this week’s episode, Anthony and Abbey Maschmedt of Dwell Development in Seattle join me to discuss sustainable construction and high performance renovations. Dwell Development is an award-winning sustainable residential builder, and they strive to create the most energy efficient homes in the world. They believe that sustainable efficient design can create a better tomorrow.

While they typically build in a modern style, they took advantage in a scheduling lag to modernize 3 historic homes in Seattle. Here is a before and after on one of their projects:

A black and white photo of a historic house in the past.
A color photo of the same house in the modern day, after a renovation.

Learn more about their award winning work at

Here is a link to the episode: episode 33, High Performance Homes