We are back this week with another renovation story, this time a bungalow in Tulsa Oklahoma. Architect Katelyn Parker explains what her house means to her, how working on her house has changed her practice, what she would do differently if she could and offers good tips to first time home buyers.

Check out Katelyn’s instagram account @bungalowroots, her email is kp@bungalowroots.com and her website is www.bungalowroots.com


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Thanks to Ray Bernoff, the editor of the show. www.RayBernoff.com

Music at the beginning and end of the episode is The House Maven’s Jig by Neil Pearlman, performed by Troy MacGillivray and Neil Pearlman www.neilpearlman.com

Show Cover Art by Sam White www.samowhite.com

This podcast is a production of dEmios Architects. www.demiosarchitects.com

Email questions, comments, suggestions for future episodes to thehousemaven@talkinghomerenovations.com

Do you need a bit of design help? If you are in Massachusetts and need a second set of eyes on your design, my Ask an Architect design help-line can help. We meet on zoom for an hour to review your issues. Contact me for more information.

This podcast is a member of the design network- www.designnetwork.org

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