Cover graphic for episode 43 of Talking Home Renovations, "Renovation Story - Mid Century Modern Georgia". The background photo is of a mid-century modern house with string lights decorating the patio.

Jess Jones is a designer and baker who lives in Georgia in a mid century modern house. In this episode we talk about her house, about the fate of houses like hers in her neighborhood, the architect and more. I’m including photos from her instagram account @tinymightymidmod of her house and elements we discussed in the episode.

A photo of a renovated mid century modern house in Georgia, surrounded by plants in bright sunlight.
The living room of a renovated mid century modern house, with an imposing gray brick fireplace and a retro sunburst decoration.
A view of the living room from another angle, through an mezzanine area. There is beautiful, dark wood panel on the walls.
A corner of the living room, featuring lots of wood furniture and wood panel.
A slate floor in the process of being cleaned.
A close-up of a juvenile chicken.
A view toward the ceiling of the mid century modern house, with a period appropriate lamp.
The bedroom of the mid century modern house, with built in shelves over the bed, brick walls, and black and yellow bedding.
A view of the mid century kitchen.
A photo from the same angle, showing where there will eventually be a staircase leading to the next floor.

For more midcentury modern, check out this post about a mid-century ranch renovation.