Cover graphic for Talking Home Renovations episode 66, "Renovation Story - Split level outside of Chicago". The background is a photo of a small white two-story house with wooden steps leading up to the front doors. The red podcast logo appears on the bottom right.

Just today I was visiting a split level entry house for a potential project. Sometimes there are two levels and sometimes there are 4 levels. Either way the entry is raised and the basement/main floor is partially submerged. The ceilings on the ground floor are typically 7 to 7 1/2′ feet. On top of all this, and maybe because of all this, there is often an overhang of the main floor, creating a garrison look. Unlike a garrison colonial, this whole front elevation is not easy to fix with a porch. That is my go-to solution for the garrison, just cover it up and no one needs to know. I’ve always wanted to build another layer in front of the house so that the whole front elevation could take on another character, but on the interior that would just be creating another level to deal with and adding confusion. They are a challenge if the owner is unhappy with the look and wants me to fix it.

A split level house before renovation. There is a garage on the right and overhangs between the first and second stories on both sides.
The split level house after renovation. The garage has been replaced by an addition with a slightly gabled roof, and there is now a deck on the right side.

This is the house described in the episode. You can see the overhang in the left photo, it is gone in the photo on the right. They built an addition to the front of the garage. The deck in the front extends the front entrance.