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Are you planning a home renovation and interested in learning all you can about the process? Talking Home Renovations with the House Maven is an educational and entertaining podcast that will ease your fears. Join architect Katharine MacPhail as she interviews contractors, vendors, other architects and homeowners and gathers tips and cautionary tales about home renovations. Learn about materials, what to expect, what to avoid and how to make the most of the money that you will spend on your renovation. 

Talking Home Renovations is now a part of  Gabl Media

Are you thinking of getting started with a renovation?
Click here for some free advice!

About the host: Katharine MacPhail is an old house architect interested in new technologies and helping people achieve their dreams.  She is a practicing architect in Massachusetts, where she works on additions and renovations to existing homes.  She is working toward a practice focused exclusively on high performance and sustainable renovations to old houses.  The podcast is produced by her architecture firm dEmios Architects,

Listen to all the episodes on your favorite podcast player or listen on my website here.